Opening Metaverse Fashion Week 2023, #CAPITAL is Scottish Composer Alastair White’s new fashion-opera, featuring the physical and digital designs of CHENPENG. #CAPITAL is sung by Soprano Kelly Poukens, and danced and choreographed by Myself.

The UU Studios project collaborates with Sybarite Architects, designer Chen Peng, and is led by the fashion week’s ambassador, Gemma A. Williams and Dragon City’s Roy Zou. The work includes sound production by Pieter Franssen and videography by Hannah Lovell.

#CAPITAL is a tale of dematerialization and symbolism: from the first time someone exchanged a token for an object, or a symbol — a word — for a being in the world — all the way through gold bars and bank notes, or the virtual reality of art — to Web3, avatars and Dragon City itself. It is the story of becoming something else — where everything is always possible.  

The work was performed within a bespoke fashion-opera house, the “House of Synergos,” designed by Sybarite architects. Shared in Dragon City, Decentraland.

“we see the ethereal Zara Sands dance to the opera music playing in the background. Dressed in a shiny, black puffer jacket complementary to the fashion garms, her movements are otherworldly and meta; referencing and closely following the opera’s epic libretto. Sands’ choreography really immerses us into this world that is very separate to our own, and is characterised by shifts, bends and morphing movements that accentuate the work’s premise that “at any moment we can become whatever we want…””


Further details about the project can be found on its website here.

Supported by Tong Global.